Liza Yaakub owner bermurah hati kasi travel her own blegien pure linen RS. information on the Ringsling. It is short tailed.. It's slightly super wide.. lebih kurang 35", it is made from single layer of sturdy belgian linen.. could be a bit hot for outdoor especially since it's black, using large aluminium rings.
my review:
i hanya pakai 3 kali less than 20 minites..
fabric ok.. sturdy.. tp too wide.. lebar sgt so agak susah nk adjust kt ring bila dah pakai..
threading (masukkan tail ke dlm ring) agak susah mayb coz fabric is too wide..
gathered shoulder : ok i like gathered shoulder tp disebabkan ada embroidery kt rails ermm tepi sling tu.. menyebabkan ada pressure dan rasa menyucuk di bahu.
dan liza pun dah pointing out this matter.. Noted on the embroidery part jadi keras hemming dia so very uncomfortable at the shoulder/neck part.
gambar diambil masa hari Anniversary kami 090610 yg lalu.
btw i like black n gold combo.. look exclusive! n yg ni mmg liza punya sendiri.. utk tempahan, liza mmg amnil custommade.. bleh request tuk kurangkan kelebaran dan tiada embroidery..
thanks liza for the opportunity :)..
Qaseh...alynn fazz
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